Norovirus Incubation Period

Norovirus Incubation Period

Norovirus Incubation period is 24-72 hours. This is the time between catching the virus and developing symptoms.

Norovirus can have a very drawn out infection period starting even before someone gets sick. ( This is called the Norovirus Incubation Period) There is a very short space of time (up to two days) between the time that people acquire the virus and the time they get symptoms. During this period there is a high chance that the virus can be passed on and anyone is definitely contagious so long as the symptoms exist.

Often it not known that even people who appear to have recovered completely after a norovirus infection may continue to shed the virus for weeks in their stool and may be a source of infection to others and people with compromised immune systems may shed the virus for months so in many people the cycle of Norovirus Infection, Norovirus Incubation, Norovirus Symptoms just goes on and on Aqua Marine Chemicals has the most effective solution in the world. Shipsan